Challenge ROADEF 2014, the adventure continues ...

Challenge ROADEF 2014, the adventure continues ...

The qualifying result : Link to the site for the finals of the international challenge of Operational Research EURO / ROADEF proposed by the SNCF in 2014 was announced during the gala dinner of the conference ROADEF 2014 set in the beautiful palace of the purse
Bordeaux. Last November, students of Grenoble had won the sprint , the first step of this challenge.

The same team , consisting of Luc Arnaud , Grigori German, and William Hsiao- Leu Pataut Phouratsamay , students in Operations Research from ENSIMAG and IM is the first junior rank qualifications challenge!

G- SCOP laboratory meanwhile had two teams ranked among the 13 qualified for the finals of the challenge ROADEF 2014.

PhD in Operations Research team and Production System , Hugo Joudrier (G- SCOP / Grenoble INP) and Florence Thiard (G- SCOP / UJF) rank among the junior teams . Finally permanent team of Operations Research and Production System G- SCOP and teachers Grenoble INP - Industrial Engineering, Hadrian Cambazard and Nicolas Catusse are qualified senior category .

The problem for the management of trains at a railway station of their arrival until their departure . The subject is particularly complex, many decisions must be taken as the allocation of trains to various feeders , maintenance requirements or junctions or disjunctions of trains: Link to the website . The subject of the challenge has been updated to the end of the competition. Next step , the final results will be announced at the IFORS 2014 conference in Barcelona on July 15 .

Congratulations to these three teams Grenoble and chances for the finals !