Student Master 2 option ROCO win first sprint ROADEF / EURO challenge

Student Master 2 option ROCO win first sprint ROADEF / EURO challenge

The French Society of Operations Research and Decision Support ( ROADEF ) offers both years ROADEF / EURO challenge in partnership with an industrial to a problem of operational research. Dozens of teams of researchers , industrialists and students in operations research from around the world participate in this event each time.
This year, for the ninth edition of the Challenge ROADEF / EURO 2014 proposed by the SNCF. The problem for the management of trains at a railway station of their arrival until their departure . The subject is particularly complex, many decisions must be taken as the allocation of trains to various feeders , maintenance requirements or junctions or disjunctions of trains. Links to this post: Link to the website

Luc Arnaud , Grigori German, Partaut and William Hsiao- Leu Phouratsamay (pictured ) , students of the Master 2 option ROCO and engineering students ENSIMAG and IM supervised by Hadrian Cambazard and Nicolas Catusse participate in Challenge ROADEF / EURO 2014 as part of a teaching of the Master units. They just won the first phase of which is run to provide the best solutions limitless computing time on a given instance game: Link to the website

Their programming skills and a very pragmatic vision enabled them to provide faster than all the other teams that are feasible solutions to this very difficult problem . They won the sum of 550 euros and are directly entered the final phase of the Challenge, without going through the usual qualification phase .