François Villeneuve appointed director of G-SCOP, Gülgün Alpan appointed Deputy Director

François Villeneuve appointed director of G-SCOP, Gülgün Alpan appointed Deputy Director

François Villeneuve was appointed on 1 January 2014 Laboratory Director of Science for Design Optimization and Production of Grenoble (G- SCOP) , a joint research unit involving CNRS, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble INP . On the same date , Gülgün Alpan , MCF HDR Grenoble INP, was appointed to the functions of Deputy Director .
Associate of Mechanical Engineering at the ENS de Cachan in 1983, François Villeneuve received his doctorate from the Ecole Centrale de Paris in 1990 , while an associate professor at the University of Evry . He taught mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Evry and conducted its research LURPA ENS Cachan as a lecturer from 1990 to 2000. He then joined as Professor Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble and the laboratory 3S . He joined the G- SCOP laboratory at its inception in 2007 . It assumes assistant principal until the end of 2013.
His research focuses on the field of formalization and integration of business life cycle of the product, knowledge engineering and integration of the user design . They are divided into three main themes. The integration of manufacturing processes in product design , first via a model geometry with defects ( tolerancing) , secondly by modeling constraints imposed by means of additive manufacturing Product design . Formalization and knowledge management machining for assistance in the generation of range and design for the design of products. Methods of user-centered design expert, applied to the design of surgical tools and systems for the disabled .
Gülgün Alpan defended his PhD in Industrial Engineering in 1997 at Rutgers University, New Jersey. She joined Grenoble INP- Industrial Engineering and Laboratory GILCO (now G- SCOP) in 2003, after having held the position of lecturer at the Ecole des Mines de Nancy - LORIA for 3 years, then a researcher at the INRIA Rhône -Alpes ( ENS Lyon) for 2 years.
His research focuses on modeling and analysis of discrete event systems , optimization and simulation of operations in supply chains and especially in warehouses. She teaches workflow ( performance evaluation , discrete event models , production management , supply chain management ) and actively participates in developing activities goshawks this theme in Ginova platform.