GSCOP Bandeau rubrique labo

AQUA: Units and Elements

Unit 1: Introduction

This unit gives an overview about the purpose and necessity of each expert domain with respect to quality and safety, as well as the need of an integrated approach. Both a technical and organisational viewpoint are elaborated

1. Integration view and general part
2. Organisational Readiness

Unit 2: Product Development

This units investigates the domain expert and integrated views on the subject of product development. Based on the life cycle view, the principal subjects are requirements management, design, as well as integration and testing.

1. Life Cycle
2. Requirements
3. Design
4. Integration and Testing

Unit 3: Quality and Safety Management

This unit puts a focus on the program's essential aspects quality and safety management in terms of the transversal subjects Capability, Hazard and Risk Management, as well as Assessment and Audit. It explains the particular significance of these subjects in each expert domain, and why and how an integrated view can and should be adopted.

1. Capability
2. Hazard & Risk Management
3. Assessment and Audit

Unit 4: Measure

This unit deals with measurements and reliability in the context of the three expert domains and their integration.

1. Measurements
2. Reliability