EMIRACLE : Infrastructure

EMIRAcle: Infrastructure

In the framework of the FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme in research supported by the European Commission), EMIRAcle has initiated an innovative research infrastructure in scientific 3D visualisation: the VISIONAIR infrastructure
Virtual lab from Twente
The Visionair platform of an EMIRAcle member: the University of Twente

The Visionair actors

Involving 25 partners in 12 different countries, this project brings together several research groups like former Network of Excellence in Europe: VRL-KCiP (now transformed in EMIRAcle), Intuition  and Aim@shape, and research communities working on Scientific Computing and Ultra-high Quality Image.  12 EMIRAcle's teams and EMIRAcle itself are members of the Visionair infrastructure.

Visionair Map with EMIRAcle partners