The general objective of this program is to transfer and integrate a new skill at the level of European industry and institutions.
Specific objectives:
Our partners:
Specific objectives:
- Adaptation, harmonization and refinement of existing training material (Environmental Management System, Business Management, IDesigner) and Integration into a professional training program dedicated to professionals from companies, institutions and VET organizations;
- Achievement of EU Certification of the new traing program and job role as Sustainability Manager within the ECQA framework.
- E-learning platform creation within ECQA framework and allowing training for different trainees on sustainability management from different EU locations in sustainability management.
- Extension Capability Adviser - Process Management Software Tool to support Sustainability Management assessment process.
- Testing/piloting the training program in Romania and France
- Building the capacity in Sustainability Management in topic in Romania, Slovenia, and Franceby traing future trainers (15 persons) and future Sustainablity Manager (110 persons)