GSCOP Bandeau rubrique labo

Integrated Design: Exam and Certification

Qualification and Certification:

European Qualification Framework

iDesigner certification and training systems comply with guidelines for European Qualification Framework, aimed to assure that trainings offered all over Europe are comparable in relation to content and outcomes.

Accreditation of exam organizations, training organizations and trainers assure that the same level of service quality is assured all over Europe.

The ECQA Certified Integrated Design Engineer is one of the many ECQA job roles, for which this certification and training schema is effective all over Europe. The ECQA is a non-profit association and provides an examination and certification system. Training is provided by several authorised bodies.

Certification as Proof of Knowledge

Course attendees can take the ECQA Certified Integrated Design Engineer exam that is based on clearly defined performance criteria - linked to the iDesigner skill card. The exam is managed by an ECQA online test system. After successfully passing the exam, attendees receive an ECQA® Integrated Design Engineer Certificate.