GSCOP Bandeau rubrique labo

SCITE: for a good bibliography

To extract a coherent bibliography relative to the contents of your submitted paper

SCITE, a "Knowledge Mining from Documents" application proposes a systematic approach to apply tools and techniques of exploitation of the known and published texts in electronic form in order to facilitate the task of creating a good bibliography for research papers, with a particular focus on leveraging cross-disciplinary citations.

The innovative character of SCITE lies in proposing a systematic approach to apply tools and techniques of exploitation of texts effectively for supporting researchers to come up with good bibliographies, i.e., with references to literature that is relevant to a proposed paper.

The initial corpus of documents used is the collection of 4800 papers, mainly published in the past 10 years in the CIRP Annals (Elsevier), ATMiA, IJAST and the proceedings of CIRP Conferences. The comparison is done based on the analysis of the words extracted from the complete texts and not on simple key words. The principal utility of this work is to be able to extract a very coherent bibliography relative to the contents of a submitted paper, integrating the transdisciplinarity, and facilitating the innovation by transfer of knowledge from one field to another. Facilitating the fast diffusion of recent documents can also allow improving the notoriety of a journal by increasing its impact factor and, for an editor to select more easily the most knowledgeable reviewers.

*   SCITE is based for the analysis of the paper on the CAT results, a software from Indutech, South Africa

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Referenced in SCITE

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology

CIRP Conferences

ATMiA - Archives of Mechanical Technology and Automation

IJAST - International Journal of Applied Science and Technology

