GSCOP Bandeau rubrique labo

Transition Scenarios for Integrated Sustainable Production Solutions Junior Research Position at the University of Grenoble (France)

Transition Scenarios for Integrated Sustainable Production Solutions

Junior Research Position at the University of Grenoble (France)

G-SCOP Laboratory is looking for a post-doctoral candidate to will join its Product-Process Conception team working on Sustainable Production Models research area.


The French national research project, servINNOV, is funded by the French Government, from mid-2012 to mid-2016. The University of Grenoble (G-SCOP Laboratory, France) participates, together with other French Universities and many industrial SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). The project covers the field of sustainable Product Service Systems (PSS). PSS replace the traditional sale of products by services that provide the same functionalities. The products used in PSS remain the property of the PSS supplier who keeps their responsibility. As well as improving competitiveness of the companies and insuring their survival in a global world, significant environmental gains are expected from this type of industrial organisation. However the passage towards PSS is not always easy. Scenarios have been identified as an appropriate means to understand the issues and organise transition to this new economical model. Their role can be very important to reach really sustainable PSS.

Technical objectives

Amongst the aims of servINNOV is the development of a methodology to create scenarios adapted to the PSS transition problematic. The scenarios will support the SMEs in their transition by clarifying their approach. They will help construct a vision of the possible organisational choices and alternatives as well as the implementation and operation of the PSS offering. They must lead the SMEs to sustainable industrial production systems. The methods will be applied to case studies together with the SME project partners.

The fellow will also participate in other research projects of the team, on subjects concerning usage for eco-conception.


The ideal candidate would:

  • Be experienced (PhD) in the research field of design or design methodology of industrial products,
  • Be open to the problematic of usage, as well as environmental and sustainable issues,
  •  Be interested in research in cooperation with industrial partners,
  •  Be fluent in French or have good basics and be ready to improve it quickly.


Other valuable know-how and skills include:

  • Writing publications,
  • Project management.


  • The mission will last 12 months, renewable once, and should start as soon as possible up from September 2013.
  • The Junior Researcher will be based at the G-SCOP laboratory at the University of Grenoble and will be attached to the Product Ecodesign team, composed of 3 researchers (Prof. Daniel Brissaud, Prof. Peggy Zwolinski, Dr. Guillaume Mandil) as well as numerous PhD, post-doctoral fellows, MSc students and Research Assistants. For his main task, he will work with a PhD student also involved in the project.
  • The task will include several missions in France as well as travel to conferences.
  • The yearly gross salary will be 28,500 € (before taxes). This salary complies with the University of Grenoble regulations for academic personnel.

Contact: Professor Peggy Zwolinski :