CMCU Tunisie

An international project on the "design and control of integrated supply chains", financed by Egide (Program Utique)

Project description
The objective of the project is to develop models and decision tools (based on mathematical approach) that help companies to design their supply chains in order to meet the globalization and environmental challeges. This project is composed of three main areas:
  1. Design of international supply chains
  2. Modeling and performance analysis of joint policies for inventory management, quality control, and maintenance in a supply chain
  3. Green supply chain design
Contribution of G-SCOP:
Our involvement in the project is mainly related to the design of green supply chains (SC). In this work we seek to implement models and decision tools for the design of SC under environmental context. We identified that an important correlation exists between SC decisions and product greenness. In fact, in one hand SC decisions such as transport, production and purchasing impact the product greenness. On the other hand, the greenness of a product impacts its demand and price and consequently modifies SC decisions. The main objectives of this work are the followings:
  • Define a method for product greenness measure based on SC decisions.
  • Model the relationship between the product greenness, its demand and its selling price.
  • Develop green SC design models that take into account the the usual SC decisions namely decisions related to facilities location,  suppliers and technologies selection,  transportation modes selection, etc. In addition, we take into account environmental legislations.
Academic partners: 
UR OASIS: Optimisation et Analyse des Systèmes Industriels et de Service, Tunisia


Yannick Frein
+33 (0)4 76 57 45 16

G-SCOP Participants

Y. Frein
I. Nouira