Des workshop OPENNEXT ouverts à tous dès janvier

OPENNEXT invites consumers, makers and producers to its new series of online workshops.
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14 January 2021 to 11 March 2021, webinar series

Open Hardware Future Talks

Come join us for five online events about the potentials and benefits of open hardware product development

We are excited to invite practitioners, experts, interested citizens and civil society organizations to an exciting new series of online events, starting January 14th.

In the so-called “Open Hardware Future Talks” series, we will share some of the insights, we have gained from working on this project the past 18 months and address key questions like: What are the possibilities of Open Source Hardware – and what are the challenges? How do you convert a business to Open Source? What have we learned about revenue streams in the OPENNEXT project? And how do you create a community?

The dates and themes are:

  • January 14th : Kick-off event – what are the perspectives of Open hardware production?
  • January 28th : Sodaq and OpnTec – on the theme of consumer electronics
  • February 11th: Fiction Factory and Stykka – on the theme of Build-to-order-furniture
  • February 25th: Sono Motors – XYZ Cargo – On the theme of open mobility
  • March 11th: Future Scenario of impact

Time for webinars: 3 – 3.45 PM

Participation is free, all you have to do is sign up to one or all of the events below.

Further informations and registration link here.


Jean-Francois Boujut
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