Séminaire de Claudia Eckert Mardi 9 avril, de 9h à 11h, en salle C319

Séminaire de Claudia Eckert

Mardi 9 avril, de 9h à 11h, en salle C319,
Claudia Eckert fera une présentation suivie d'une discussion sur le thème : the role of constraints in design creativity.

Vous êtes tous cordialement invités.

Claudia Eckert short presentation ( for more information: Web link) I returned to the Open University in September 2008 as Senior Lecturer in Design after nearly 10 years at the University of Cambridge, where I was Assistant Director of the Engineering design center and lead the Design Process Improvement group. I am interested both in understanding design in different design domains and different phases of the design process, and in developing techniques and computer tools for facilitating design activities.