Seminaire Prof Thirumalini : Alternate Combustion Technologies and Sustainable Environment : Le19-12-19 à 12H30 - salle H201 - Site Viallet - Grenoble INP

Madame la Professeure Thirumalini Subramanian de l'université AMRITA en INDE sera présente du 16 au 20 décembre à Grenoble dans le cadre du partenariat avec GI et du projet IDEX INDDEP.
Elle présentera des éléments de ces travaux au cours d'un séminaire le JEUDI 19 DECEMBRE 2019 de 12H30 à 13H30 en Salle H201 (site Viallet 2eme étage bat H)

Ce séminaire est ouvert à tous

Alternate Combustion Technologies and Sustainable Environment

Climate change, the global consumption of energy and the use of fossil fuels to provide heat, power and transportation are all engineering challenges which needs to be addressed now and in the future. Feasible solution to these long term problems which ensures best use of resources and development of sustainable means of production and use of energy are needed.
This seminar addresses – India as a country of opportunities, Automotive sector and its growth in India, Research at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita University and possible collaboration, Renewable Energy & Environment, methodologies to facilitate low temperature combustion for reduction of emissions, alternate fuels for hybrid engines, Technologies for emission reduction for EURO 6, Biomass as a source of energy, Emission Inventory for Coimbatore (India) and Sustainable materials.

Dr.S.Thirumalini Chair – Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Coimbatore.

Prof.Thirumalini works in the domain of Power train development and testing, HVAC studies, Thermal & Combustion analysis, Alternate fuels, Simulation of combustion, Low temperature combustion and emission analysis. She also works on Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics to mechanical systems. She is currently working on two funded projects for the govt., one on tribology and another on Emission mitigation for Euro 6 and beyond besides consultancy projects from the Industry.

She leads the research activity at the Amrita Automotive Research & Technology Centre (AARTC) and is involved in working on Power Train Emission Studies with Compliance for Euro VI and beyond.

Dr.S.Thirumalini received the “Women Engineer award – 2008” from the Institution of Engineers, “Ralph R.Teetor Educational Award” from SAE International at Michigan, Detroit and the “Guru Award” from SAEINDIA Foundation.

Contact : Dr Eric Blanco - Associate professor in Product design and development School of Industrial Engineering Grenoble Institute of Technology University of Grenoble Alps invited Professor at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione POLITECHNICO DI TORINO ufficio al primo piano - DIGEP Adjunct Professor at AMRITA University, India