Soutenance de thèse de Haobo WANG (CCI) le 20 juin 2024 à 13h30 en amphi Barbillon- Site Viallet Grenoble INP

Intitulée : " Exploration du Potentiel de la Réalité Virtuelle pour l’Architecture Système Basée sur les Modèles / Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for Model-Based Systems Architecting "
Les membres du jury :
  • M. QUERREC Ronan, PU, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest, rapporteur
  • M. BRUEL Jean-Michel, PU, Université de Toulouse, rapporteur
  • M. BOY Guy André, PU, Université Paris-Saclay, examinateur
  • Mme LOUP-ESCANDE Emilie, PU, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, examinateur
  • M. DAVID Pierre, PU, Grenoble INP, examinateur
  • M. NOEL Frédéric, PU, Grenoble INP, direction de thèse
  • M. PINQUIE Romain, MCF, Université Grenoble Alpes, Invité

Résumé :

Model-based systems engineers and architects, particularly those moving from software to systems engineering, claim that SysML-like modelling notations, symbolic two-dimensional diagrams made of boxes and lines, are domain-independent and, thus, very convenient to support the cross-functional definition of a system architecture. However, the abstract diagramming syntax of Model-Based Systems Architecting (MBSA) notations makes their adoption difficult, especially by notational nonexperts, and using iconic graphics is a potential way of improvement. Few studies attempted to replace 2D diagrams with immersive 3D visuals without objective evidence. We assume it is due to limited development efforts and a need for more quality criteria to compare 2D diagrams with 3D visuals. This thesis will argue that human-centric interactive 3D visuals should replace MBSA diagrams where appropriate to facilitate communication and participation in multidisciplinary co-design activities from mission to architecture definition. A combination of empirical validation methods shows that the proposed 3D immersive MBSA interface increases user satisfaction, provides better visual notations, and reduces cognitive load for single- and multi-user MBSA activities involving experts and non-experts. Such promising results of this exploratory research pave the way for more specific studies to cumulate scientific evidence.