EMIRACLE: AQUA - Knowledge Alliance for Quality in Automotive

A significant part of quality in automotive comes in the following three dimensions:

1. Automotive SPICE® (ISO/IEC 15504): Quality linked to the development process of software and electronics.

2. Functional Safety (ISO 26262): Quality associated with the achievement of Functional Safety requirements.

3. Design for Six Sigma: Focus on the reliability and robustness of products and production processes.

Automotive manufacturers (OEMs) demand from their suppliers increasingly high performance levels in all these three dimensions. The most successful companies have an integrated view on this three-dimensional space. This essentially means that they achieve to take the related aspects into account in an integrated and systematic way from the very early design phases over the whole product creation cycle.

In order to be able to do so, they have to qualify employees who are able to understand the essentials of the three aforementioned domains, and therefore act as links between the domain-experts. Furthermore, these employees also have an essential role in the project assessment processes that automotive suppliers have to undergo in order to be eligible for OEMs.

AQUA is the very first European qualification and certification program that addresses exactly this need. Driven by automotive clusters in Europe, its uniqueness can be summarised by the following key characteristics:

- A completely modular curriculum (training kit – in German “Baukasten”) that allows companies to compose a training program that complies precisely with their particular needs.

- Training modules that have been developed around key quality-related topics that have significance in all three dimensions.

- For each specific topic, key terms, methods and tools are explained along each of the three dimensions, as well as in an innovative integrated view.

- All explanations are demonstrated using best practice examples from real automotive industry projects



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