GSCOP Bandeau rubrique labo

EMIRACLE : Integrated Design

Designing modern products and systems in an innovative, sustainable and competitive way demands the implementation of new paradigms in development organisations. Design is no longer concentrated on a specific phase. It goes beyond aesthetics to cover all functional aspects of a product or a system, thus driving the entire development process. Consequently, more and more actors of the complete product life cycle have to be integrated in the design process. This creates new challenges for design engineers, as well as for development project managers.

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This training program addresses exactly these challenges, and provides answers to the following subjects:

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  • Definition and motivation of integration in design,
  • Targets of integration, including the product life cycle,
  • Essential methods of integration, including concurrent engineering and product modeling,
  • Mastering complexity and innovation,
  • Knowledge management for integration,
  • Collaborative integrated design,
  • Selected aspects of integration in design, including sustainable design, risk assessment, safety design, virtual development tools and techniques, etc.





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