EMIRACLE : Research

EMIRAcle: Research

  • Joint Research
  • Collaborative Research Projects

Research is the core occupation of the 23 founding members of EMIRAcle. They are worldwide recognised experts in their research fields. Moreover, they play key roles in the European Commission in defining the research roadmaps for the manufacturing domain. Their research is also closely coupled to national and international industry.

Joint Research

EMIRAcle's mission is to support European manufacturing enterprises in reaching and maintaining their leading edge, through excellence and innovation in products, processes, and organisations. Long-term joint research contracts with industry are an important element on the way to fulfil this mission. These contracts allow us to orient our research and education activities according to the current and future needs of industry.

Collaborative Research Projects

The typical way to collaborate with our association without a long-term joint research contract is in the form of collaborative research projects, which are often funded by national and international funding programs. We also provide our long-standing experience in applying for and carrying out funded projects on both the national and international level to facilitate the success of your applications and your projects.